The National Coalition of organisations working on Deafness in Uganda – led by Ka Tutandike Uganda will be officially launched on 15 August 2011 to coincide with the inaugeration of the National Symposium on Education for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing Child in Uganda - also on the same day.
In advance of this event, Ka Tutandike is organizing a competition to select an official logo for the Coalition. The first prize will be 500,000 UGX, the second prize 300,000 UGX and the third prize 200,000 UGX. This competition will be an opportunity to assist and contribute to a very worthy cause. The 3 top entries will also be recognized at the launch, which will also double as the award giving ceremony. The Deadline for submission of entries is Friday 15 July, 2011 at 5pm.
Submissions can be sent to; The Chief Executive Officer P.O. Box 12699 Kampala.
Or hand delivered to; The Chief Executive Officer Plot 39 Bukoto Street Kamwokya. For further information, please contact: Julius Nkuraija - Programme Manager-Disability
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, +256(0)752-693849 Dennis Sebuyira- Administration Assistant
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Ka Tutandike Uganda is a registered Non Governmental Organization (NGO) in Uganda, whose aim is to champion the rights of marginalized children and people with disabilities, with special emphasis on deafness. Established in 2006, Ka Tutandike Uganda believes that every child has the right to the best possible start in life and the highest standard of health and education.
We work to ensure that the rights of the Deaf child are safeguarded. In this regard, we implement activities to enable access to health and education for the Deaf child, whilst partnering with others, to protect them from violence, exploitation and discrimination. One such partnership is the Coalition of Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) working in the area of Deafness, that was established in 2010. Coalition membership is made up of the following organizations;
Ka Tutandike Uganda Uganda National Association for the Deaf Deaf Link Sense International in Uganda Sign Health Uganda Action on Disability and Development Legal Action for Persons with Disability Uganda
The establishment of National Associations/Networks/Coalitions for the Deaf plays a significant role in improving the situation of Deaf people at the country level and the benefits even have the potential to be felt at the regional and international levels also. Through such a civil society grouping it is possible to facilitate and promote social change and to create better living conditions for the Uganda’s Deaf citizens. National Coalitions have the capacity to act as a harmonious pressure group with the government. With a well established Coalition of the Deaf, it is possible to defend and protect the human rights of Deaf people and to improve their living conditions and enable equal opportunities in society.
Although there are quite a few overall umbrella bodies focusing on Disability, it is important that a distinctive association of NGOs working on Deafness is identified as a stand-alone entity that has direct representative relationship with the Deaf communities at the grassroots.
There is a need for coordinated and strategic programmes that draw on the experiences of communities at the grassroots level in order to ensure that the money spent brings about a sustainable response to issues facing the Deaf in Uganda. Via this Coalition, we aim to increase civil society participation in national, regional and global processes that contribute towards protecting the rights of the Deaf.
A National Coalition of NGOs working on Deafness in Uganda will also serve as a resource that the Government and related ministries could draw upon for implementation of its multi-sectoral approaches aimed at the Deaf community.
The priority aims of the Coalition are:
To enable the perspectives of the Deaf - including stakeholders such as parents/teachers/carers to be heard and counted To engage policy and decision makers to be accountable to meet the priorities of the Deaf To increase the active involvement of the media in the Deafness response to strengthen effective communication and messaging about Deafness in Uganda To increase informed and inclusive public and policy debate on poorly understood issues around Deafness and thereby combat related stigma and discrimination Enhance partnership development on Deafness interventions between civil society organizations and the national government and relevant bodies particularly those within Uganda. Promote effective Deafness programming, resource mobilization, leadership and accountable governance amongst civil society organizations working on Deafness in Uganda. Enhance skills development and sharing of best practices amongst civil society organizations working on Deafness in Uganda Document and evaluate sustainable and effective Deafness interventions which have worked and disseminate these amongst the civil society organizations within Uganda and promote shared learning. |